What is Vaginal Steaming?

If you’ve ever wondered about vaginal steaming, this article is the perfect place to start!

We will cover:

  • How vaginal steaming works

  • Does the vagina need to be cleaned?

  • Is vaginal steaming a new trend?

  • Is vaginal steaming safe?

  • What does vaginal steaming help with?

  • Everything you need to start vaginal steaming at home

What is Vaginal Steaming?

Vaginal steaming is a health & wellness practice that uses warm steam to clear congestion and increase circulation to the reproductive organs and surrounding areas. 

Vaginal steaming is a popular name for the practice, but "pelvic steaming" is more accurate since steam will contact all of the surrounding areas.

How vaginal steaming works

Steam is amazing! Steam is simply vaporized water. The tiny vapor molecules are able to travel in the air (which is why your entire bathroom fills with steam during a shower) and penetrate hard-to-reach areas. 

Many of us already use the cleaning power of steam on other areas of our bodies. Vaginal steaming isn't much different.  

We steam our faces to open our pores and clear built up dirt and oils. The steam helps hydrate our skin and makes skin care products more effective. According to an interview between Aesthetician Stephanie Dilberto and Cleveland Clinic, "Steam can help soften the skin and loosen oil and buildup in your pores… The heat and moisture make skin more permeable and ready to accept topical products" [1].

We steam our sinuses and lungs to help clear congestion when we're sick. Not only is the warm steam comforting, according to Webmd "steam can thin mucus" helping to clear out a stuffy nose [2]. 

If you've ever noticed your nose start to run during a hot shower, that's from the steam thinning out the mucus! This article also agrees that steam may "help loosen mucus inside the airways and lungs" making it easier to breathe [3].

We even steam our entire bodies in steam rooms! Steam can improve circulation throughout your whole body. This article explains that "The heat significantly changes circulation in your skin by dilating blood vessels and moving blood toward the skin’s surface…Dilating your blood vessels allows more blood, nutrients, and oxygen to be delivered to any injured sites" [4]. 

Vaginal steaming, or pelvic steaming, provides the same benefits. The steam helps improve circulation, bringing fresh blood and nutrients to reproductive organs near the area being steamed. The steam helps thin mucus, allowing for any built up residue to be released. Adding herbs into the water can introduce therapeutic phytochemicals to the surrounding tissue.  

Does the vagina need to be cleaned?

Not always! The uterus is a self cleaning organ. Every time you have a period, your uterus does the work to "clean" itself by shedding tissue. However, your colon is also a self cleaning organ, yet many people struggle with colon health. 

The fact that an organ can be self cleaning, doesn't mean that it wouldn't benefit from support if you are experiencing symptoms. 

Vaginal steaming is a wellness practice that can support the body when it needs support. If you already have perfect, easy periods with no symptoms and abundant fertility, then keep doing what you're already doing. 

But… if you are struggling with painful periods, heavy clotting, excessive bleeding, very long or short menstrual cycles, PMS, unexplained infertility, or anything else that does not feel like optimal menstrual cycle health, then supporting your reproductive organs with vaginal steaming can be beneficial.  

Is vaginal steaming a new trend?

Not at all! While many folks have only recently learned about vaginal steaming, it is an age old practice that dates back centuries and is found on every continent on the planet. Check out this interactive map curated by Peristeam Hydrotherapist Keli Garza, to see the many different cultures that currently or historically practice vaginal steaming. 

Is vaginal steaming safe?

The biggest safety concern is scalding. It is important to always be cautious around hot water. Steam can be beneficial, but if it is too hot, steam can damage tissue and cause burns. 

Before sitting down for your vaginal steam session, hold your hand over the warm steam. It should feel pleasantly warm and comfortable. If it is too hot, allow the steam to cool sufficiently before sitting down. 

Be sure to choose a steam seat that can safely support you while sitting over a pot of warm water. Always check the weight limit on your seat. If you need to adjust your position after sitting down, do not scoot the seat. Stand up, move the seat to the new position and sit back down. 

Some people who are against steaming have concerns that vaginal steaming may disrupt the natural bacteria of the vagina leading to infection. However, it does not make sense that steaming your face, sinuses, and the whole body is considered safe, yet squatting over steam would lead to infections. 

Always be sure to use clean water when steaming and make sure the pot holding the water is clean. 

What does vaginal steaming help with?

Vaginal steaming is used by many different cultures and people for many different reasons. The three most common historical uses of vaginal steaming are postpartum healing, prevention of infections, and increasing fertility. 

Women choose to incorporate vaginal steaming into their wellness routines to help with any of the following:

Menstrual cycle health

Vaginal steaming is one of the only preventative, proactive wellness activities for a healthy menstrual cycle. Many women report lighter periods with less cramping, smaller clots, and less brown discharge before and after their period. Incorporating certain herbs in a steam practice can also help shorten long menstrual cycles or lengthen short menstrual cycles. 

PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Adenomyosis, Ovarian Cysts

All of these conditions are complex and not simply solved with one steam session. However steaming with the correct herbs using a schedule targeted to your concerns can be a helpful part of a healing journey with these conditions, while you also work to find the root cause of the condition. Steaming should be in your tool kit to help with these conditions, but it shouldn't be the only thing in your tool kit. It's always recommended to talk with a vaginal steam facilitator or peristeam hydrotherapist who is familiar with your concerns and can help guide you. 


Dealing with recurrent infections is physically and emotionally exhausting. Incorporating vaginal steaming into your wellness routines can help manage and potentially prevent the onset of an infection. Incorporating herbs known for their disinfecting properties can make your vaginal steaming practice even more effective.


The very first period is an important milestone for anyone with female reproductive organs. But for most of us, this milestone is shrouded in secrecy, fear, pain, and anxiety. Vaginal Steaming can give young folks an opportunity to feel in control and empowered around their menstrual cycle. Teaching our young folk about vaginal steaming also provides opportunities to talk about menstrual cycle length, normal vs abnormal discharge, and any symptoms they may be experiencing. It can allow young folks a way to feel proactive about their health from an early age. 


The most common symptoms we hear about from customers experiencing menopause are vaginal dryness, infections, and hot flashes. Luckily vaginal steaming can help with all of those. The steam itself helps to moisturize tissue and improve circulation. Incorporating moisturizing herbs, disinfecting herbs, and cooling herbs all help to bring powerful plant compounds to the areas that need support. Just remember not to steam too long if you do experience hot flashes. A 10-minute steam can provide all the benefits without over heating your body. 


After each period your body grows a brand new uterine lining full of nutrient rich tissue to support the growth of the fertilized egg. Steam is very good at thinning mucus and helping the body to clear the mucus out, making sure that there is no old residue or tissue remaining after your period is finished. 

Vaginal steaming also helps to improve circulation, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the steamed areas and surrounding organs. It actually takes three months of growing before an egg is ready for ovulation. Regular steaming, in addition to taking a good prenatal, may help provide that blossoming egg with extra nutrients.

Fertility can be complicated. Two women both experiencing unexplained infertility can have two very different menstrual cycle issues and symptoms. The best place to start is to keep track of your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and symptoms to find out what YOUR body needs and then create a wellness routine that will best support your fertility journey. 

Postpartum Healing

One of the most common historical uses of vaginal steaming is to aid postpartum healing. In the weeks immediately after birth, your body will continue to expel blood and tissue, called lochia. Steaming can help to thin mucus, aiding your body in clearing out the lochia. 

A small group study done by Midwife Raquel Lemus and Peristeam Hydrotherapist Keli Garza found that "vaginal steaming has a positive impact on many of the indicators of postpartum recovery, particularly in the areas of lowering blood pressure and pulse, uterine restoration, initiating and expediting waist girth and weight loss, labia healing, the quicker cessation of uterine bleeding through drawing out lochia, alleviating suture discomfort, promoting bowel regularity and hemorrhoid reduction" [5]. 

Miscarriage Healing

Healing after a miscarriage is still postpartum healing. You still went through pregnancy and delivery, no matter how long your baby lived inside you or how the pregnancy ended. Physical healing is similar to healing after a live birth. Your uterus will still expel lochia for a few days to a few weeks. Your uterus will still shrink back down. You may also have emotional trauma to process and grieve. Vaginal steaming can provide a safe, calm space to begin healing both physically and emotionally. 

Emotional healing from trauma

An at home steam practice can provide a safe, comfortable space for women to process trauma and begin to heal their relationship with their body. Vaginal steaming is a very relaxing activity. Many women report feeling calm and peaceful by the end of their steam sessions. Steaming is certainly not a replacement for therapy or counseling. It can be a safe, nurturing space to strengthen the mind-body connection and support healing. 

Everything you need to start vaginal steaming at home

Chair or stool

When our founder started steaming she simply knelt over a bowl of warm water. That works perfectly well when you are just getting started and want to try it out. But when vaginal steaming becomes a regular practice for healthy menstrual cycle maintenance, you are going to want a comfortable place to sit.

Look for a chair made from natural materials. Do not steam in plastic. 

Our Sunshine Stool is made to help you get into a comfortable squat position to relax and open the pelvic bowl. We never use glue, sealants, or oils. 100% wood = 100% non-toxic. 

Container for water

Our favorite water container for vaginal steaming is this mini-crockpot. It is a great size to fit under any stool and easily put away in between uses. Having the option to turn the heat to low or high allows you more control of the water temperature. 

Alternatively, you can use an enamel pot with an electric burner. 


Steaming with herbs can incorporate powerful plant medicine (and delicious aroma) into your wellness routine. It is important to make sure you are using herbs appropriate for your cycle length and health concerns. To help you get started, we have formulated herb blends for different needs and we have a universal blend that is safe for all cycle types and issues.

If you are unsure about using herbs, steaming with water alone is still beneficial.

Gown or cloak, if desired

What you wear (or not) while you steam is entirely up to your personal preference. 

Love heat? Wrap yourself in a warm blanket while you steam.

Prone to hot flashes and night sweats? Steam naked or use a light, breezy sarong to cover yourself. 

Be cautious if using an electric burner. Make sure the fabric cannot touch the burner. 

Have more questions about vaginal steaming? 

We'd love to hear from you! Send an email through the form below.