Mama Nourish 30 Day Mama Cleanse 10 day .png

Postpartum Yoni Steam Herb Blends

Formulated to support healing after birth. 1 package = 30 steams.


Free shipping in the US.

Choosing the Right Postpartum Herb Blend

Do any of these apply to you?

  • Active infection (Yeast, UTI, etc)

  • Yellow discharge after birth

  • Fever

  • Herpes

  • Night sweats

  • Labor started naturally before 39 weeks

  • Menstrual cycles were 27 days or shorter during the year before conception

If NO, choose the Mama Cleanse 30 Day blend

If YES to ANY of the above, choose the Mama Nourish 30 Day blend OR the Mama Nourish & Cleanse 40 Day blend set

Mama Cleanse 30 Day

The Mama Cleanse blend is intended for postpartum use to support cleansing and healing.

Use the Postpartum Yoni Steam Guide included in your package for more information about how and when to steam after giving birth.

Ingredients: Nettles, Motherwort, Rose, Mint, Marshmallow Leaf, Chamomile

Mama Nourish 30 Day

The Mama Nourish blend is intended for postpartum use to support gentle cleansing and healing.

Use the Postpartum Yoni Steam Guide included in your package for more information about how and when to steam after giving birth.

Ingredients: Nettles, Yarrow, Shepherd's Purse, Uva Ursi, Mint, Chamomile

Mama Nourish & Cleanse 40 Day

Contains one package Mama Nourish 30 day supply & one package Mama Cleanse 10 day supply.

Use Mama Nourish on the first day. Alternate herb blends each day until Mama Cleanse has been used 10 times, then use the Mama Nourish blend only.

If you don’t want to switch between blends or think you’ll forget, simply choose the Mama Nourish 30 Day blend instead.

Organic Goodness

We source herbs exclusively from suppliers who are USDA Certified Organic.

The Right Blend

Having a female body means adapting to new seasons in life. From the first period through menopause your body need targeted support for whatever situation you’re dealing with.

We have formulated herb blends for different cycle types and situations.

Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for? Email us for help or purchase a custom made blend.

Holistic Formula

Each blend in our line supports a specific issue or symptom you may be dealing with. But we believe that your body is more than individual parts! Each herb blend is formulated with a holistic approach to support your whole being.

Mama Cleanse Postpartum Vaginal Steam Herb Blend  (2).png

 Package Includes

  • 1 Postpartum Steam Guide brochure

  • 1 Package of Herbs (the Mama Nourish & Cleanse 40 day set contains two packages)

Size & Dimensions

  • 4 cups volume

  • Use 2 tablespoons per steam

  • Contains enough for 30 steams

  • Package 9x6x4 inches


  • Organic herbs. See individual package ingredients above.


  • Handmade in Austin, TX!

How to Use

Bring 6 cups of clean water to a boil. Remove from heat. Shake package. Add 2 tbsp herb blend to the water. Cover and let steep for 5-10 minutes before use.

Use the Postpartum Steam Guide for more information about how and when to steam.

Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products or starting a new wellness routine.

Designed by certified Vagainal Steam Facilitator and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Mollie specialized in menstrual cycle health and fertility in her one-on-one nutritional therapy practice, Parsley and Pumpkins Nutrition.

After so many of her nutrition clients said they couldn’t find safe, non-toxic steam supplies that didn’t cost an arm and a leg, she founded The Sunshine Yoni Steam Supply company in 2019!

Our goal is to design beautiful, safe, functional supplies to help more women start steaming safely at home.



Are your herbs organic?

Yes! We only source organic herbs from trusted suppliers. If you have concerns, please email us at to discuss our specific suppliers and their organic certifications with you.

How soon after birth should I begin steaming?

Wait to steam until...

  • All placenta has been delivered

  • Any hemorrhages have stopped

  • Postpartum bleeding is decreasing and is less than 1 overnight pad per hour

Wait until you observe that bleeding has begun to reduce. Bleeding won't have stopped, but we want to see that it has begun to decrease.

Most women begin steaming 1-2 days after giving birth. It is perfectly fine to wait longer. Steam when you are comfortable.


Organic Yoni Steam Herb Blends - $25


Custom Made Yoni Steam Herb Blends - $76